How to certify your level of Basque

Are you preparing for a civil service exam and need to certify your level of Basque?

At Zornotzako Barnetegia, we help you achieve the language proficiency level you need: PL1, PL2, or PL3 from IVAP; B1, B2, or C1 from HABE...

In addition, we offer you a quiet space where you can study and prepare for your OPE syllabus: Osakidetza, Education, Ertzaintza, Basque Government, Provincial Council...

Call + 34 946 308 304, write an email to or use the web form.

¿Qué nivel de euskera se necesita para opositar?

Osorik irakurri

ANBOTOKIDE izatea gure komunitatearen parte izatea da, euskararen erabilera sustatzea eta herrigintzaren aktibazioan pausoak ematea.