How to get to Barnetegi

Although we have a large car park in front of the barnetegi, sometimes you may not be able to find a parking space, especially during the weekend or summer courses. Don't worry, there are more places to leave your car near the barnetegi.

If you use public transport, you have the Bizkaibus lines A3514 (Bilbao-Gernika) and A3515 (Bilbao-Bermeo). Both depart from Hurtado de Amezaga street, next to Abando station in Bilbao. The journey takes about 30 minutes. You should get off at the San Pedro/Amorebieta-Etxano stop, from where you have to walk to Barnetegi (approximately 15-20 minutes). You can also use the E4 Euskotren line (from Bilbao, Matiko and Casco Viejo to Bermeo and Gernika). If you take the train, you should get off at the Geltokia/Apeadero stop.


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